6 Ways To Use Coconut Oil For Dandruff

As coconut oil can penetrate the hair shaft, it is one of the best remedies for treating dry, damaged, and over-processed hair.

Deep Conditioning With Coconut Oil

Massaging your hair with coconut oil not only distributes the oil evenly but also moisturizes the scalp and helps improve blood circulation as well.

Hot Coconut Oil Massage

The citric acid in lemon juice helps maintain hair pH (8). Lemons contain antioxidant vitamin C, which can prevent scalp infections. Combining this with coconut oil helps dandruff.

Coconut Oil And Lemon Juice

Jojoba, a natural wax ester, repairs skin affected by fungal infections such seborrheic dermatitis, a heavier type of dandruff. Coconut and jojoba oil treat dandruff well.

Coconut Oil And Jojoba Oil

Antifungal rosemary oil reduces dandruff (15). It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. It works well with coconut oil to cure dandruff that causes scalp skin irritation and inflammation from scratching.

Coconut Oil And Rosemary Oil

Antimicrobial and antifungal castor oil contains ricinoleic acid. These antifungals can help treat seborrheic dermatitis, which causes scaly scalp patches, and other fungal scalp infections that cause dandruff.

Coconut Oil And Castor Oil

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