How To Remove Tan From The Hands


Yogurt helps reverse the effects of excessive pigmentation, which may fade a tan and effectively exfoliate your hands.


Tomatoes are rich in bioactive compounds called carotenoids that function as photo protectants. They can reduce the tan caused by harmful UV rays of the sun.

Lemon Juice

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid is the major constituent of lemon juice. It is known to have anti-pigmentary properties that can help in reducing the effects of skin tan.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera contains bioactive compounds (aloesin, aloe emodin, and aloin) that suppress tyrosinase activity. This translates to reduced pigmentation on your skin.


Cucumber not only has moisturizing properties but also contains bioactive compounds (like trans, cis-2,6-nonadienal) that inhibit tyrosinase activity and reverse the effects of sun tan.


Papaya extracts act as exfoliants and can help slough away dead skin cells from the surface of your skin. This helps in fading the tan on your hands.


Honey has excellent moisturizing properties and promotes tissue repair. It not only softens your skin and makes it smooth but also contains antioxidants that reverse the skin damage caused by UV rays.

Orange Peel

The peel of an orange contains compounds that can suppress melanogenesis and reverse the effects of sun tan.. The juice in oranges moisturizes your skin.


Turmeric contains curcumin that inhibits melanogenesis. This leads to reduced production of melanin, thereby fading the tan on your hands.


Saffron is commonly used in traditional medicine to repair skin. It moisturizes skin and prevents UV damage, according to research.

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